New mobile phone network Boshhh helps users build credit

North-west network provider Boshhh has announced its launch across the UK providing a platform for users with poor credit ratings to build credit via an essential utility service. The first-of-its-kind platform enables people to take out cost-effective mobile phone plans to help build their credit score and aims to make mobile phone contracts accessible to everyone, without previous debt and credit issues affecting their ability to secure a plan.

Boshhh has a 100% acceptance record regardless of all credit scores even if other providers have turned users down. The aim of Boshhh is to work with their customers to support, help and get them back on track reducing barriers to entry on other basic necessities that may require credit.

The service, in partnership with Equifax credit reference agency, allows customers to build up their credit rating with timely payments having a positive impact so users are able to generate credit where they have not previously been able to, as Lewis Camilleri, Founder of Boshhh, explains: “Boshhh is a project I have been working on for a number of years and I am delighted to see it launch. There is a real problem in the UK particularly with the current cost of living crisis with people not being able to take out phone contracts or other payment plans due to a poor credit score; however there are few services available for people to try and improve this score if they aren’t able to take out credit.

“Boshhh helps solve that problem for so many people and will provide basic telecommunications service that everyone should be entitled to without paying huge premiums all whilst having a positive impact on your credit score. We want to make it possible for everyone to have assured access to telecommunications and internet services throughout the UK and see the benefit in assisting with credit repair by using a distinctive method of selling that will include a service that everyone needs and has.”

There are few services in the UK that enable people who have bad credit to build their credit score back up and, aside from virtual loans, Boshhh’s service is one of the first providers of this service, where the platform offers a utility service credit scoring. Boshhh helps to promote a positive influence on credit files by reporting on-time payments to help customers get back on track, the guaranteed contract SIM plan is the first step in transforming clients’ credit score.

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