Business profile: TechSparx talks to Cressall Resistors

In our resurrected series profiling regional technology companies, we speak to Simone Bruckner, Cressall Resistor’s managing director.
Based in Leicester, Cressall Resistors specialises in power resistor design and manufacture, as well as producing harmonic filters, motor starters and portable load banks.
How is your technology different from competitors?
With more than 100 years of experience in resistor manufacture, Cressall has the most comprehensive resistor range in the world. Using more technologies and resistor types than any other manufacturer means that Cressall has the versatility needed to offer a solution for any application.
Applications include rail traction, renewable technologies, and electric vehicles, all of which need a reliable means of managing power. As a result, validation is an important step in the manufacturing process, and Cressall has access to one of the best-equipped test laboratories of any resistor manufacturer in the world.
The EV2, a dynamic braking resistor, is an example of the engineering expertise at Cressall. Commonly used in electric vehicles, braking resistors absorb and dissipate the energy generated when a car brakes. These resistors are key to removing excess electricity, which could otherwise damage the car’s components.
At ten per cent of the size and 15 per cent of the weight of an equivalent air cooled resistor, the water cooled EV2 boasts high power in a lightweight, compact space. Its modular design also means that automotive manufacturers can tailor the solution exactly to fit each vehicle, and its simple connections make it easy to install without the need for extensive re-engineering.
What new developments have you got in the pipeline for 2023?
Next year, Cressall will be continuing to develop its new, dedicated load bank division, Power Prove, expanding the existing product range and improving the ability to deliver custom offerings.
What sectors do you operate in?
Cressall supports companies in any sector that need to handle electricity safely. Its resistors have been proven in a variety of real-world projects, from wind turbines to electric cars.
Who are your key clients?
Cressall serves a diverse range of clients, from the huge multinationals to the smaller start-ups.
How do readers get in touch with you?
You can get in touch with Cressall in the UK by calling 0116 273 3633, or by email at