Holly Lane Energy Park to launch in Solihull

Exagen Development has unveiled details of a proposed renewable energy development on approximately 123 acres of land in Solihull.
Dubbed the Holly Lane Energy Park, the project will feature a solar farm and a battery energy storage system along with a substation.
The solar farm will have an export capacity of around 28 MW, while the batteries will have a capacity of 75 MW. The operational period for both elements of the scheme is 40 years.
To move ahead with the development, Exagen Development has requested an Environmental Impact Assessment Screening Opinion from both Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council and Warwick District Council for two separate land parcels situated to the south and southeast of Balsall Common.
A statement submitted by the applicant said, “The landscape has the capacity to accommodate the development due to the gently sloping nature of the landform and existing vegetation, including existing woodland and hedgerows and trees, which would provide established screening from the outset. All these factors would ensure that with appropriate mitigation, any landscape effects would be very localised, such that no significant effects, in EIA terms, would be anticipated.”