Network Support Solutions celebrates 18 years in business
Paul and Katy Jones (centre) and the team at Network Support Solutions
In the computer world it was the year Apple first launched its iconic iMac and apparently the year Bill Gates was hit in the face with a cream pie but for one Shropshire businesswoman 1998 marked the beginning of her IT company.
But fast forward a few years and Katy Jones and her business partner Paul Coulthard-Jones are now celebrating 18 successful years of Network Support Solutions.
Based at Shrewsbury Business Park, the company offers a range of IT services, products and support services and since its inception has supported the growth of hundreds of Shropshire businesses.
Katy has also seen a significant number of technological advancements along the way too.
She said: “I think it’s fair to say that IT and technology is one of the most fast-paced industries to be in.
“You only have to look at the progression of computer technology to see what I’m talking about.
“Just a month after launching our business in July 1998 Apple introduced its iMac to the world.
“It was labelled as easy to use and brought Apple into the homes of consumers. Now of course we have iMacs, MacBooks, iPads, iPhones and even Apple Watches.
“And it’s not just technology which has changed.
“Since launching our business we have seen an IT revolution with the emergence and dominance of social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to name but a few connecting local businesses in global networks and we have seen major changes in the way people use IT in business to market their products.
“We have witnessed a rise in remote office working, a surge in information sharing and of course the darker side of IT with the proliferation of cyber-crime and computer viruses.
“It’s certainly been an interesting and challenging few years and I don’t think the technological journey is due to end here.
“With things advancing at such a pace who knows where we will be by our 20th anniversary let alone in another 10 years time.
“Our roles and business will have no doubt changed even more significantly but it’s exciting times and a revolution I’m proud to be so heavily immersed in on a day to day basis.”
Network Support Solutions employs six members of staff and works with clients across Shropshire.
Katy, who before setting up the business worked within the council’s library service, thanked clients for their continued support over the last 18 years.